Unjustly Obscure Albums – Vol. 6

Jack Peñate, Everything Is New Shape-shifting London-based pop auteur Jack Peñate decided to try out a slew of genres for 2009’s aptly titled Everything Is New, an effervescent nine-track rendering of Afro-beat, dance-pop, tropicalia, and blue-eyed soul that flirts with greatness enough to warrant subsequent spins. Peñate’s enthusiasm for not only his source material, but…

Unjustly Obscure Albums – Vol. 5

Teitur, Stay Under the Stars “Teitur’s songs have a breezy wispiness underneath their melancholy chord changes — think a happier Nick Drake — and his sparing use of orchestration and fanciful keyboard colorations make the songs seem lighter on the surface than they actually are.” -All Music Guide Teitur – Louis Louis Teitur – Thief…

Unjustly Obscure Albums – Vol. 3

Grand National, Kicking the National Habit The debut album by London-based duo Grand National sounds something like the Police if they’d recorded disco tunes. While the songs are pop-like in structure and layered with sweet harmonies, they are also defined by their heavy beats, looping bass riffs and hypnotic synth lines. This is dance party…